Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Seal of Disapproval

Please Dear Lord let this be a sign from heaven. President Soetorobama's Presidential seal fell off his podium as he was speaking to a women's group in D.C. today. He made a little joke about it and the speech went on. I hope this is symbolism which will be fleshed out in the future. There are more and more Americans who are growing to believe that this man was either not born in the United States, or currently is still and Indonesian citizen with the legal name Barry Soetoro. His approval ratings continue to slide, and after the elections in November, he will be back with a vengeance pushing his fascist policies through the lame-duck session of Congress. At this point all we can do is pray that hard evidence of his true identity comes to light and that the Supreme Court will un-install Barry and send him packing back home to Hawaii. Or Kenya.

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