Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trouble for Al Whore

Al Gore Subject of Sex Assault Investigation

I was considering titling this "Al's Whore," but that might be unfair to the woman, depending on whether it was an actual, legit massage parlor she was working for or if she provided "massage relief," as it were. Al certainly was already a whore, in any case, with his giant global warming scam. Actually no, he a pimp, pimping that fraud to the world.

So in 2006 a woman filed a police report, claiming that Gore sexually assaulted her. Unfortunately it appears that she did not want to go public and have charges filed and appear in court to testify, as female assault and rape victims often do not. But I just wanted to let you know what kind of guy, allegedly, Al Gore is. These politicians are almost all on crazy power trips where they think they can get away with anything. In nearly every case, that is true. We can't get justice in our court system for these criminals, so we have to wait for justice to be meted in the next world.

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